RE: 2.6 must-fix list, v2
Perez-Gonzalez, Inaky (
Tue, 13 May 2003 19:05:41 -0700
> From: Shaheed R. Haque []
> Quoting Andrew Morton <>:
> > "Shaheed R. Haque" <> wrote:
> > >
> > > - Add ability to restrict the the default CPU affinity mask so that
> > > sys_setaffinity() can be used to implement exclusive access to a CPU.
> >
> > Why is this useful?
> Because it allows one to dedicate a CPU to a process. For example, lets
say you
> have a quad processor,and want to run joe-random stuff on CPU 0, but a
> specialised program on CPUs 1, 2, 3 that does not want to compete with
> joe-random stuff.
Real time applications can also benefit from this; if I can
get all the random stuff out of the way so that I know the
important, timing-sensitive thingie in CPU1 will always
get it, bonus points! ...
Iñaky Pérez-González -- Not speaking for Intel -- all opinions are my own
(and my fault)
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