Re: [OT] Two RAID1 mirrors are faster than three

Anders Karlsson (
13 May 2003 08:41:07 +0100

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On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 03:24, Clemens Schwaighofer wrote:

> > I think it depends greatly on your needs. For small companies running
> > commercial unices, this might be the best solution based upon need and
> > cost. For even smaller outfits running Linux, the snapshot feature in
> > Linux LVM will do the job.
> well, for private yes, but even as a small company I would invest in a
> rother more solid hardware RAID system than into software. I saw so many
> horrible data losses due software raid or IDE HDs (which where in a
> external hardware box actually), that I don't trust this much anymore.

SSA does quite happily mirroring with two copies and has done for many
years now. There are still instances where read performance outweighs
the cost of having to get three times the storage you require to use.

And for the record, I was never talking about IDE storage... ;-)



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