Re: stabilty problems using opengl on kt400 based system
Mark Watts (
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 19:20:38 +0100
On Saturday 12 Apr 2003 7:10 pm, Frank Van Damme wrote:
> I am not sure, but I though nVidia cards were different. I have used a tnt2
> before I had my radeon (I used it with that previous motherboard) and back
> then, I have been advised to compile kernels without AGP support since the
> nVidia drivers wouldn't use them anyway (despite the fact that it was a 4x
> agp card). NVidia seems to have his own method of accessing the agp bus.
I'm not entirely sure how I tell what agp gart I'm using, but I have 'agpgart'
loaded as a module...
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