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On Fri, 2003-04-11 17:37:11 +0200, Antonio Vargas <wind@cocodriloo.com>
wrote in message <20030411153711.GE25862@wind.cocodriloo.com>:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 04:24:37PM +0100, John Bradford wrote:
> > > Also every time you makes changes in the kernel it must be hell to
> > > recompile the whole thing
> >=20
> > If you are testing kernels on a separate machine to the one you are
> > compiling on, and therefore not rebooting, it's not much of a problem
> > - with enough RAM, most or all of the kernel source will be cached,
> > and you can compile a kernel in three to five minutes on a fast
> > machine.
> John, you mean a "make clean && make bzImage" takes you only about 4
> minutes??? I would like to know more details about .config, machine
> specs, compiler and so on :)
Um, take 1.5GB RAM and one of those dual athlon boards and you'll even
do a full compile in <5min...
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481
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