Re: kernel support for non-English user messages

John Bradford (
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 15:48:51 +0100 (BST)

> > Wouldn't we be better off just more fully documenting the English
> > error messages, though, and possibly translating that explaination
> > document in to as many languages as possible? A lot of people search
> > for error messages strings in the LKML archives, and variations of the
> > same string will hinder this.
> I don't think thats going to happen much. And to document them you have
> enumerate them so its still the same problem space strangely enough

I don't mean document them within the source, I mean a separate
document, (distributed with the source), that people can refer to to
find out what errors really mean. That solves the verbose/non
versbose and translation problems. Users simply do a substring search
of the manual for the error they're getting, and get an explaination
in any language that manual has been translated in to. It doesn't
have to be limited to errors, either, there are a lot of undocumented
informational messages in the kernel, too.

I'd be happy to maintain such a document, but there doesn't seem much
interest in it, and I can't see why.

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