Re: kernel support for non-english user messages

John Bradford (
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:11:56 +0100 (BST)

> > A versioned file becomes openable as a directory as well, so that you
> > can see the old versions. I'm sure something like this has already
> > been done, I'll have to try to search it out.
> There was "Hidden Directory" support in IBM's AIX/370 (and probably the
> AIX 1.2 that was i386-only), and I'm told some of the HP Apollo stuff
> did similar. Very strange, bizzare, aggrivating, and occasionally useful.

Well, you can say that about almost any feature, but you can always
compile it out :-).

A versioned filesystem would be very useful for:

* Webservers
* Development of small projects, where you don't need the overhead of
an SCM, but something similar is useful.

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