Re: [PATCH] aic7* claims all checked EISA io ranges (was: [ Returned mail: see transcript for details])

Robert Schiele (
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 08:01:00 +0200

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On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 09:18:39PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Maw, 2003-04-08 at 21:51, Robert Schiele wrote:
> > Thanks for your note. Hope you didn't feel offended. At least this wa=
s not
> > my intention. I just wanted to notify all people related to the affect=
> > driver.
> >=20
> > So it's up to the kernel tree maintainers to bring this fix into their =
> Maintainers submit changes to the Linux kernel tree, not vice versa. Its
> push not pull

Well, the reason why I sent the patch to both, the maintainer of the driver
and the maintainers of the trees, is that the maintainers of the trees have
the opportunity to fix one of the more important drivers before they releas=
e a
new "official" version that is broken here, and I think that the change is
quite obvious.

To clarify this: I don't care whether and when the fix goes to the official
trees, because I have the fix for my personal kernel builds and Hubert Mant=
has it for the SuSE builds, so it Works-For-Me(TM).


Robert Schiele Tel.: +49-621-181-2517

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