2.5.66-mm3: hang and crash

CaT (cat@zip.com.au)
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:37:32 +1000

Just tried mm3 for the fun of it with two results:

1. If I leave my Xircom card in the PCMCIA slot, the kernel hangs at the
following point during boot:

Yenta IRQ list 00b8, PCI irq 10
Socket Status: 30000820

This does not happen if the card is not in plugged in.

2. After I booted, I logged into X, started up my mutts (6 of em) and
started moving the mouse cursor about. Laptop turned itself off.

Martin's distress was in contrast to the bitter satisfaction of some
of his fellow marines as they surveyed the scene. "The Iraqis are sick
people and we are the chemotherapy," said Corporal Ryan Dupre. "I am
starting to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a friggin' Iraqi.
No, I won't get hold of one. I'll just kill him."
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