Re: RAID 5 performance problems

Stephan van Hienen (
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 21:22:50 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Ross Vandegrift wrote:

> > I've benchmarked RAW disk speeds with an Ultra-100 and
> > WD1200JB drives, and gotten 50MB/S from each disk, as opposed to your
> > 26MB/S (there should be almost no difference for the BB drives).
> Makes perfect sense - he's getting 50M/s to each channel, but it's split
> over two drives, so drive throughput is about halved.
the fasttrak-tx4 is an 4 channel controller (it is an dual ultra-100 on 1
pci board)
Jonathans WD1200BB's should be a bit faster than 30MB/sec maybe, but the
main problem is his /dev/md0...

> Absolutely correct - you should *never* run IDE RAID on a channel that
> has both a master and slave. When one disk on an IDE channel has an
Jonathan is only using master devices, no slaves...
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