Re: [Bug 529] New: ACPI under 2.5.50+ (approx) locks system hard

Matthew Harrell (
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 14:55:14 -0500

I've tried every kernel I could get to build up through 2.5.66 and nothing
changed. Same behavior every time

Also, I can get them all to boot into single user mode. I'm going to check
if the hang is caused by the loading of the alsa modules (which run on the
same interrupt) or something else.

: Try >= 2.5.64. It has a derive_pci_id ACPI patch that fixed this problem
: for me[*].
: ChangeSet@1.889.255.2, 2003-02-26 13:47:36-08:00,
: ACPI: Fix derive_pci_id (Ducrot Bruno, Alvaro Lopez)
: thanks,
: -chris
: [*] There is still a case where a warm reboot from a 2.4 kernel will
: hang, but warm reboot from 2.5 kernel, or cold boot no longer hangs.
: --
: Linux Security Modules

  Matthew Harrell                          I love defenseless animals,
  Bit Twiddlers, Inc.                       especially in a good gravy.     
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