Re: 2:05 E.T. April 1st

Ezra Nugroho (
01 Apr 2003 14:32:44 -0500

I really get this joke!
I was have been trying to download it myself and got several lost
connections. I bet everyone was like me, and once the connection is lost
they would try again and again, increasing the DDoS, and producing even
more lost connections.

I though that was kinda funny.

> The April Fool's joke is Red Hat Network attempting to keep up with the
> DDoS attack they brought on themselves by releasing the ISOs for RH 9 a
> week early to RHN subscribers. :) Although I did hear a rumor that
> Saddam Hussein got a copy :). Curiously enough, in the long list of
> countries you can't ship RH 9 to, Iraq is conspicuously absent.
> --
> M. Edward (Ed) Borasky, MS, MNLP, NST, FBG, PGS & PTA
> Have You Hugged Your Saguaro Today?
> -
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