Re: [PATCH][2.5][RFT] sfence wmb for K7,P3,VIAC3-2(?)

Andi Kleen (
01 Apr 2003 13:49:32 +0200

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 13:28, Dave Jones wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 12:11:00PM +0200, Andi Kleen wrote:
> > sfence is part of SSE2. That's X86_SSE2
> I'm not so sure this is correct. A quick google suggests
> otherwise, and the C3 Nehemiah (which only supports SSE1) seems
> to run sfence instructions just fine.

Yes, you're correct. It was SSE1, not SSE2.

The problem Zwane encountered is that early Athlons don't support SSE1,
only XP+ do

To use it he would need an a new CONFIG split for Athlon XP and earlier
Athlon. iirc it didn't make much difference on the athlon anyways which
has quite fast locked operations on exclusive cachelines - sfence seems
to be more useful on P4.


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