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On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 05:38:08PM -0800, Andrew Morton wrote:
> Charles Baylis <cb-lkml@fish.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:
> > I'm getting quite a lot of audio skips with this one. 2.5.64-mm8=20
was the=20
> > last one I tested and it was very good.
> > 2.5.64-mm8 works fine with pretty much any thud load I throw at it,=20
but thud=20
> > 3 is enough to cause some skips with 2.5.65-mm2. Thud 5 causes=20
> > starvation problems to the whole desktop.
> Please test 2.5.65 base.
doing normal desktop things (gnome, jboss, mozilla, apt-get updates,
etc) i've noticed audio skips on occassion that i had not seen in
kernels previous to 2.5.65.
i'm not going to complain though, because mozilla seems to start
quicker, and my jboss start time has dropped from 1m:10s average to
40s. very cool!
____________________}John Flinchbaugh{______________________
| glynis@hjsoft.com http://www.hjsoft.com/~glynis/ |
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