No, there is at least one reason for the "original" .gz files. Here are
the logical steps:
a) any Linux distribution contains their own "linux" package with the
source base being "vanilla" Linux .tar.gz file
b) switching such to .tar.bz2 will make building the package longer
because of longer extract times
c) re-running tar to generate a .tar.gz from .tar.bz2 and store the
.tar.gz instead will make customers suspicious --- i.e. they will have to
ask "is this _really_ a plain Linux tree or do I need to run diff(1) to
verify, just in case?"
See the reasoning? However, I agree that this reason is very weak. But you
were interested in any reasons, including weak ones, I assume :)
> ii) Assuming a yes on the previous question, what time frame would it
> make sense for this changeover to happen over?
> -hpa
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