Re: 2.4.20 instability on bigmem systems?
William Lee Irwin III (
Sun, 16 Mar 2003 18:26:46 -0800
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 06:15:11PM -0800, Gregory K. Ruiz-Ade wrote:
> Okay, I tried to load the system a bit and stress out the disk I/O, running
> a couple finds across the whole system (find | xargs stat, find | xargs cat
> > /dev/null, a couple other things) after sucking up free memory by catting
> our database disk files to /dev/null. I also had a 'make -j5 clean
> oldconfig dep bzImage modules' running to try to drive the load up a bit,
> too.
> I've got snapshots of meminfo, slabinfo, and output from 'ps auxfww' at:
> It only really starts getting interesting after 20030316.1725, when I
> started the kernel build. I have a very simple shell script that basically
> does nothing other than "make clean oldconfig dep && make -j5 bzImage &&
> make -j5 modules". I ran that a couple times in the sources for Red Hat's
> 2.4.9-e.12 kernel sources.
> Surprisingly I wasn't able to grind down the system like I expected. Not
> sure why it's behaving so wonderfully today.
If it didn't behave badly then it won't help to look at the stats.
-- wli
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