What hack to steal every remaining major? Remember that Linus already said
that there won't be new static majors anyway.
> I've done the math with the current available majors. I don't
> see 4000 disks there, and that is just life as it exists today,
were do you get this 4000 disks number from? Every big system in practice
is attached to some EMC/LSI/IBM/whatever array anyway that virtualizes
away the actual disk.
Calculating with 120 left block major alone (and ignoring the fact that
most of the officially registered space is now free aswell with the new
major/minor less block device registration) this would be about 1900 disks.
Given that no shipping Linux version supports more than 256 (scsi) disks
this is enough for sensible seyups for a few years.
> years from now when 2.8 finally appears. Like Andrew asked, please
> describe exactly how you'd support it.
I did repson to Andrew, go and read it - and play with the code a bit.
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