> On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Pavel [iso-8859-2] Janík wrote:
> > I think that Alan's decision to start writing his diary in Welsh can be
> > also a lecture for Linus: I hope Alan will change his (bad) decision to use
> > Welsh and will come back to English even if writing in Welsh is good for
> > him to learn Welsh but his decision hurts others. The same applies to Linus
> > and BK.
> The primary difference being that my lawyer sees no legal issues with
> using Welch.
> Having once worked on a project which was heavily commented in high school
> Latin and BNF, I won't complain, I'll just stop reading until someone
> posts a good Welch to English AI.
What has changed? Alan has not used English for a long time, only
British. Maybe Welch will be an improvement! \\Ducks
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
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