Re: Monta Vista software license terms

Alan Cox (
10 Feb 2003 13:24:38 +0000

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 07:18, Oliver Xymoron wrote:
> > 1. Can MontaVista add separate terms to their purchase agreement that
> > forbid/discourage/impede publishing the source?
> Can they or do they? I know that people I've worked with have signed
> broad NDAs on code they've gotten from MontaVista, though such
> agreements almost certainly qualify as 'additional restrictions'
> against the GPL.

The GPL doesn't permit such restrictions (its an additional restriction)
but as I understand it the MontaVista packages include a lot more than
just free software, so the GPL rights probably only apply to the GPL
packages in their setup

Alan Cox <>
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