AW: Bootscreen
Raphael Schmid (Raphael_Schmid@CUBUS.COM)
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 15:51:58 +0100
> Have a look at - There you
> find kernel patches, user space utilities and such to display a
> bootsplash screen. You can either choose to have a picture put "behind"
> your text, or have a picture _instead_ of text. (triggerable with a
> boot parameter so anybody is happy). And yes, it _does_ look cool to see
> your kernel messages scrolling up on a background of a slightly faded
> out penguin, looking like a water sign. ;-)
Janne has already posted that URL, but if you're the one who's written it,
thanks a lot! Looks like a pretty ultimate solution :-)
> My patch above includes a small and efficient jpeg decoder (8k), which
> allows you to read any jpg picture from an initrd.
There is still good in the world!
> It's not alien, and it does make sense. I, speaking for myself, know the
> kernel boot messages by heart and I don't expect them to change with the
> 2957596. bootup of my linux box. ;)
> Any comments?
Not anymore. ;-)
- Raphael
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