No, simply a person who has worked in all areas of computing
Resume in brief:
B.S. in Computer Science may 1996, Clemson University
May 1996-April 1998 - Senior Engineer (Operating Systems - Real Time
Division) - Concurrent Computer Coporation. -- Original Title was Lead
Software Engineer -- in my short timespan there, I received a 25% raise
and a new title, and that still wasn't enough to keep me there.
April 1998-Present - Software Developer (Contract work, can't discuss,
but it's in Delphi, I'm happy to report that one reason I'm moving to
Linux more is that Borland is doing a better job with Kylix, it's Linux
version of Delphi).
June 1998-May 2001 - LAN Administrator - New York State Courts ..
May 2001-June/July 2001 - Senior Enigneer - Geo-Centers. I only worked
for two months until I became disabled with my illness. I was working
here on a Beowulf cluster (Linux, redhat 6.2), I was the only one there
responsible for administration (web, cvs, that kind of thing), and
programming (developed several simulation apps, using GTK, C, TCP/IP
sockets, etc.).
Short career history, but I'm young.
Now, thanks to my illness, I'm not working.. So I've got free time.
Pardon me if my viewpoint differs form other religious linux zealots on
the list, or some of the holier than thou kernel developers.
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