Re: Want a random entropy source?

John Bradford (
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 17:15:46 +0000 (GMT)

> > I have never understood how a 16-bit DAC or ADC can have noise above
> > 96 dB. Surely _by definition_ a 16-bit DAC or ADC is one that does
> > not have noise above that level.
> You're assuming that the ADC input is coupled to a noiseless source.
> Most ADCs have a chunk of analogue circuitry just before them which
> is a nice source of noise.
> Not only will noise be picked up via disconnected inputs, but it will
> also be picked up via the power supply and ground connections to that
> analogue circuit. How much of that noise gets into the ADC input is
> dependent on the quality, design and physical layout of the analogue
> circuit.

Right... So basically it can be claimed to be a 16-bit ADC as long as
it is noiseless above 96 dB, when all of the inputs to the ADC are
correctly terminated directly at the ADC inputs.

I just think it's funny that loads of "16-bit" soundcards are
effectively only 12-bit soundcards :-). Especially as that's about
the noise-floor of good quality vinyl :-).

> (As a side note, it's interesting that (what used to be) Crystal
> Semiconductor published a large chunk of information on the layout of
> boards including the routing of power supplies for combined digital
> and analogue circuits (and ADCs fall into that category.))

Good idea - I'd be grateful if more manufacturers would supply a
datasheet at all :-).

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