Re: 2.5.53 make modules_install problem

carbonated beverage (
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 15:43:42 -0800

On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 05:56:17PM +0000, Alex Goddard wrote:
> I don't mean that as a flame or anything. But if whatever problem you're
> having has already been discussed, and addressed before, a little research
> on your part will get you your answer more quickly than waiting for
> someone on the lkml to answer it (which may never happen).

Of course, updating Documentation/Changes would help, too. :)

See patches I've posted. :)

<speaking too soon>
(I've gotten *one* bit of feedback on it, so I'm asusming no protest means
no problems.)
</speaking too soon>

-- DN
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