Re: NFS problems with 2.5.53 on server

David Ford (
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 11:51:08 -0500

Hash: SHA1


Actually I have a bit more information. Using both 2.5.5x (on NFS
server) and 2.4.19/20, I get in dmesg, "kernel: RPC: garbage, exit EIO"
and df reports zeroes across the board for NFS volumes.

Nothing fixes it, the NFS server has to be rebooted. During one of
these moments, I also noticed the NFS server had a non-fatal OOPS w/
rpc.kmountd. Unfortunately I didn't save the OOPS.


Florin Iucha wrote:

>I have:
> bear:/var/cache/apt/archives# mount | grep archives
> beaver:/var/cache/apt/archives on /var/autofs/iucha/archives type nfs (rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,addr=
> bear:/var/cache/apt/archives# ls vim*
> ls: vim*: No such file or directory
> bear:/var/cache/apt/archives# find . -name vim\*
> bear:/var/cache/apt/archives# md5sum vim-gtk_1%3a6.1-266+1_i386.deb
> 11a6d8dbfb51688d7ac275562540c327 vim-gtk_1%3a6.1-266+1_i386.deb
> bear:/var/cache/apt/archives#
>Note that /var/cache/apt/archives is a symbolic link to /var/autofs/iucha/archives.
>So "ls", "find" cannot find the name for the file, but if I know the
>file I can open it just fine.
>On the client:
> bear:/var/cache/apt/archives# ls | wc -l
> 91
>On the server:
> florin@beaver:/var/cache/apt/archives$ ls | wc -l
> 441
>Server has 2.5.53 with no other patches. For clients I have used both 2.5.53
>and 2.4.19 (Debian package).

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