Re: More tests [Was: Problem with read blocking for a long time on /dev/scd1]

Jakob Oestergaard (
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:36:51 +0100

On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 03:58:02AM -0500, Greg Stark wrote:
> > AFAIK 2.4.X broke at 2.4.19-pre6 - something was changed that related to
> > the order in which read requests are scheduled.
> I originally had the problem with 2.4.18 and only updated to 2.4.20-ac2 hoping
> it would solve the problem. It doesn't look like the same issue as yours.

I agree.

> When your process is blocked, what wait channel does ps -elf list for it?
> What system call does strace -T show it executing and for how long?

I will check this evening when the backup starts.

> I wonder what else is on the ide channels, perhaps if I move things around so
> it's the only device on that channel it would help?

I have four seagate drives, one (master) on each channel of two Promise

There's a bunch of other disks in the system as well, but these are the
drives where I notice the problem.

:   : And I see the elder races,         :
:.........................: putrid forms of man                :
:   Jakob Østergaard      : See him rise and claim the earth,  :
:        OZ9ABN           : his downfall is at hand.           :
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