Re: holy grail

Ingo Oeser (
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 08:37:55 +0100


On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 11:21:42PM -0800, Anomalous Force wrote:
[hot swapping the kernel]
> yes, it would be extremely difficult. but, as with all fields of
> endevour, a holy grail is only such because it is. the question
> remains, is this do-able? perhaps not now, or in two years, but
> what about five? say, kernel 3.x.x or even 4.x.x?

I would just say: Start it yourself and see how hard it is. i

You might find contributors and even sponsors, while you actually
work on it. There certainly is a market for this feature, because
there are OSes support this. Would be nice, if Linux could crack
into this market, too.

So happy hacking and good luck!


Ingo Oeser

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