Re: Debian boot-flopppies and 2.5.53 dont mix

Arador (
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 23:03:04 +0100

On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 15:38:59 -0600
Ro0tSiEgE <> wrote:

> I've tried 5 different IRC channels and no one will give me any answers. I
> created a Debian (woody) install cd for my laptop (no floppy) and the kernel
> 2.5.53 (2.4 and below have VERY weird issues with my pavilion notebook and
> the ALi chipset, which still no one can give an answer as to how to fix
> THAT), and it panics saying Unable to mount root "" or 01:00. Some people

well, 2.5 is called "unstable" for something :)
try 2.4.21-pre2 that has some ide updates (from 2.4 -ac, which you could try, too)
If all that doesn't works (and you're sure that's a kernel fault), try to do
a full-featured bug report, and be sure that then, people will listen you.
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