RE: CPU failures ... or something else ?

Josh Brooks (
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 22:35:16 -0800 (PST)

Well, that's the thing - I _didn't_ switch cpus. Sometimes the error is
cpu 0, sometimes it is cpu 1.

On Thu, 26 Dec 2002, Joseph D. Wagner wrote:

> > usually it says proc #1 in the error, but
> > the first time it said proc #0 - is that
> > interesting ?
> proc 0 and proc 1 are CPU 0 and CPU 1, respectively. If you switched CPU's
> and now the error is on the other proc, then it IS a CPU error.
> Joseph Wagner
> P.S. In hindsight, I probably should have read the entire thread before
> responding. 8-) You live you learn.
> Joseph Wagner
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