Re: CPU failures ... or something else ?

Josh Brooks (
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 19:38:35 -0800 (PST)

Well actually I ordered a complete replacement system - identical in every
way. So I am getting that on saturday, and presumably that will just be
the big hammer that makes every problem go away.

I am just posting to get a head start on the issue if, for some crazy
reason I replace all hardware and the problem continues. Sounds like that
is a slim to none chance, since I am dealing with good hardware (dell) and
it looks like this is a faulty component at work.

Basically I am just moving the disks from one machine to another on
saturday, and I suspect the problems just disappear when I do that.

Comments on the possibility that the problems continue after moving the
disks to different (but identical) hardware ?


On Wed, 25 Dec 2002, Billy Rose wrote:

> > Oh and by the way, this is a dell poweredge 2450, dual 866 p3 cpus,
> > 2gigs ram, and using a PERC 3/D. I have a 2.4.1 system running on
> > _identical_ hardware with no problems, and this system that is
> > MCE'ing is a 2.4.16.
> try reseating the cpu's and vrm's. if that doesnt work, remove cpu #2
> and #2 vrm. run it and see if the error occurs. if no error, #2 cpu or
> #2 vrm is bad. if the error still occurs, swap out cpu #1 and #1 vrm
> with cpu #2 and #2 vrm, then run again. if the error still occurs,
> youre SOL.
> billy
> =====
> "there's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...
> and there it goes..." -bobby
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