2.5.x console keyboard problem.

Zephaniah E\. Hull (warp@mercury.d2dc.net)
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 10:19:24 -0500

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It took me a while to track this down, with a few false paths.

I have verified this is kernel side, so..

The basic problem goes like this, start X, switch away from X with
ctrl-alt-Fn, then switch back to X, this is where the fun starts.

Sometimes (this seems to be a race condition, but I have no idea what it
depends on) things go, interestingly wrong, X gets the message that it
has the VC, it takes control of the screen, and the kernel grabs the
ctrl-alt-Fn used to switch away from X, and does not tell X that it no
longer actually HAS the console.

Resulting in keyboard input going to the VC you switched out from X to,
and the kernel believing that it can print to the screen, but with X also
still trying to control the screen.

If you switch back to the VC X is on then things work from there,
however this is quite obviously quite broken.

Verification that this was kernel side was not too hard, removing the
console binds for ctrl-alt-Fn makes the problem go away.

This happens for 2.5.x, but not 2.4.20, I don't know where in 2.5.x it


Zephaniah E. Hull.

1024D/E65A7801 Zephaniah E. Hull <warp@babylon.d2dc.net>
92ED 94E4 B1E6 3624 226D 5727 4453 008B E65A 7801
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