process_load is a CPU scheduler thing, not a disk scheduler thing. Something
must have changed in kernel/sched.c.
It's debatable whether 210 seconds is worse than 110 seconds in
this test, really. You have four processes madly piping stuff around and
four to eight processes compiling stuff. I don't see why it's "worse"
that the compile happens to get 31% of the CPU time in this kernel. One
would need to decide how much CPU it _should_ get before making that decision.
> ...
> The machine stops responding but sysrq works. It wont write anything to the
> logs. To get the error I have to run the mem_load portion of contest, not
> just mem_load by itself. The purpose of mem_load is to be just that - a
> memory load during the contest benchmark and contest will kill it when it
> finishes testing in that load. To reproduce it yourself, run mem_load then do
> a kernel compile make -j(4xnum_cpus). If that doesnt do it I'm not sure how
> else you can see it. sys-rq-T shows too much stuff on screen for me to make
> any sense of it and scrolls away without me being able to scroll up.
Try sysrq-p.
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