UHCI halts endpoint on control stalls: seems wrong

Luca Barbieri (ldb@ldb.ods.org)
25 Nov 2002 00:43:58 +0100

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Some time ago I reported some USB problems consisting of getting EPIPEs
when trying to read strings with lsusb.

I have done some more investigation and I think I solved the problem: I
get EPIPEs because the control endpoint is stalled due to a failure and
the halt is never cleared.

However drivers/usb/core/message.c contains the following paragraph:
"Note that control and isochronous endpoints don't halt, although
control endpoints report "protocol stall" (for unsupported requests)
using the same status code used to report a true stall."

Based on this, I tried to remove the call to usb_endpoint_halt in
uhci_result_control, and everything is now working.

Is this modification correct?

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