> Sure, but vger and ftp are both suffixed with "kernel.org" If
> Transmeta or Red Hat ever flake out, it's easier to redirect the domain
> to some other machine.
You are right, I forgot about this aspect. My fingers typed
"vger.rutgerds.edu" for a about a year, all by themselves.
> > I'm more interested in contacting the admin to be a component
> > owner for sparc, for instance. Someone is going to have a significant
> > admin load, because Bugzilla is not going to be self-running.
> > Who is that person?
> Check out Martin's original announcement, as well as his recent one.
> I'm pretty pleased: they have staff that will help triage bugs and keep
> the garbage level low. Hopefully leaving the kernel hackers to do
> nothing more than fix bugs :)
No, wait, I'm not talking about triage here, just admining the
Bugzilla itself. I'll poke bugme-admin@ and see what comes out.
-- Pete
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