Re: [BENCHMARK] 2.5.47{-mm1} with contest

Andrew Morton (
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 12:59:17 -0800

Bill Davidsen wrote:
> In the area of things I do do every day, the occasionally posted AIM and
> BYTE benchmarks look as though pipe latency and thruput are down, UNIX
> socket latency and thruput are down, and these are things which will make
> the system feel slower.

Yes, the AIM numbers which have been posted here are quite outrageous.
It's (hopefully) either a few Great Big Bugs or something in 2.5 has
invalidated the measurements. Or, conceivably, the reduction of the
size of the slabs_free list in the slab allocator.

I shall be taking a look at what's going on in there fairly soon.
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