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Hi Marcello,
I posted this small one-liner to Alan Cox (and to the lkml) in August but
it doesn't seem to have gotten into the mainline yet (I think it is in -ac).
The issue is that PCI drivers which uses 64bit DMA masks (in order to do
DAC) is making unnecessary use of the DMA zone memory (the <16Meg region
on i386) when doing pci_alloc_consitent().
Hope this gets into the next -rc or .21-pre
-- Steffen Persvold | Scali AS mailto:sp@scali.com | http://www.scali.com Tel: (+47) 2262 8950 | Olaf Helsets vei 6 Fax: (+47) 2262 8951 | N0621 Oslo, NORWAY
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