does any know how i can stop and start interrupts.
i have added a probe function to the kernel to measure
network mechanisms times in cycles, called
probe_point(int probeid){
get rdtsc time and put id and time into buffer
when full use printk to write buffer to disk.
then in mechanisms of interest i place a call to the
probe_point()for example,
probe_point(10);// entry of function
.function stuff
.probe_point(11);// exit of function
the problem is some times my buffer does not record
some id's or times. i think this is because another
interrupt took place and so the probe_point() exits
before it gets a chance to store the id and time.
how do i go about setting an non interrupt in the
probe_point function to make sure it finishes what its
supposed to do?
for example:
probe_point(int probeid){
do not interrupt me until i do:
get rdtsc time and put id and time into buffer
when full use printk to write buffer to disk.
now i have finshed puting an id and time into a buffer
so you can interrpt now.
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