That charcater count includes all the comments as well. It may not be
much but it is not insignificant.
# wc -c .config
22174 .config
# grep "^#\? \?CONFIG_" .config | wc -c
> $ gzip -c /usr/src/linux-2.4/.config | wc -c
> 10305
> $ sed '/^ *$/d;/^#/d;s/^CONFIG_//' /usr/src/linux-2.4/.config | wc -c
> 17267
> $ sed '/^ *$/d;/^#/d;s/^CONFIG_//' /usr/src/linux-2.4/.config | gzip | wc -c
> 6155
Dropping "CONFIG_" and "# CONFIG_" will definitely reduce memory
requirements. We do not want to drop the lines "# CONFIG_* is not set".
If you do that, you end up having to answer lots of questions when
running "make oldconfig".
> Also it seems like it would be more useful to have the config in the
> kernel image rather than (just) proc?
It IS in the kernel image. Use scripts/extract-ikconfig to extract it
from the kernel image file. And if you only need it to be in kernel
image, you can choose to not have it under /proc.
-- Khalid==================================================================== Khalid Aziz Linux and Open Source Lab (970)898-9214 Hewlett-Packard Fort Collins, CO
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