[kconfig] Survival of scripts/Menuconfig?

Petr Baudis (pasky@ucw.cz)
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:13:33 +0100


I'd like to ask if there's still a reason to keep scripts/Menuconfig in the
tree; AFAIK it's not used at all anymore, can we thus remove it? (Possibly we
could mention its existence and basic credits at the top of
scripts/kconfig/mconf.c, which is at least partially based on it?) If the
answer is yes, I'm willing to do the patch etc.

I'm asking because I want to move the relevant lxdialog functionality to
scripts/kconfig/mconf.c (I think it makes no sense to call lxdialog externally
from mconf.c) and get rid of the separate lxdialog tree. And scripts/Menuconfig
is the only other user of lxdialog.

Kind regards,

				Petr "Pasky" Baudis
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