ARGH! (Is there an HTML archive for linux-kernel that patches work from?)

Rob Landley (
Sun, 27 Oct 2002 11:01:01 -0500 has a lovely "raw mode", but it truncates posts that are
too long. looses attachments, even plain text ones.

Anything based on hypermail screws up whitespace in an interesting way. (You
can't "save as" because it inserts <br> between each line, even the source
preserves whitespace and keeps tabs as tabs and everything. You can't cut
and paste because html that isn't quoted with <pre> mangles whitespace for
you. You can't make a simple script to remove <br> when it occurs at the end
of the line because it's not consistent: blank lines don't become <br>, they
become <p>. And you'd have to worry about &lt; and such anyway...

I'm sorry, I'm a bit frustrated right now. I"m trying to provide URLs to
patches posted on this list. This sounds easy, doesn't it? It's not.

I'm going to go to lunch now...

Erich: Could you put your october 25 numa scheduler posting on your home page
somewhere? I tried:

But that just would have been too easy... :)

-- - Terry Pratchett, Eric Raymond, Pete Abrams, Illiad, 
CmdrTaco, liquid nitrogen ice cream, and caffienated jello.  Well why not?
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