>> ... Adopters Agreement:
>> Before implementing the IPMI, IPMB or ICMB specifications, a
>> royalty-free reciprocal patent license must be signed. Please
>> follow the steps below to sign the IPMI Adopters Agreement: ... ยท
>> Adopter hereby grants to the Promoters and to Fellow Adopters, and
>> the Promoters hereby grant to Adopter, a nonexclusive,
>> royalty-free, nontransferable, nonsublicenseable, worldwide license
>> under its Necessary Claims to make, have made, use, import, offer
>> to sell and sell products which comply with the Specification;
>> provided that such license shall not extend to features of a
>> product which are not required to comply with the Specification or
>> for which there exists a feasible, noninfringing alternative. ...
>> <-- snip -->
>> Am I right that this makes it impossible to include an IPMI driver
>> into the kernel (this isn't GPL-compatible)?
Corey> I do not read it so, but perhaps you are right. I will ask.
Corey> I'm sure I will receive a resounding "maybe" as the answer.
I suspect the licence refers to the firmware bottom half, not the
driver to access it.
Peter C
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