Re: [OT] Linux iSCSI server implementation

Oliver Xymoron (
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 17:35:32 -0500

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 09:29:39PM +0300, Mircea Ciocan wrote:
> I adress you this offtopic question, but I know that only here I
> can find a corect and authoritative answer:
> Did some of you know a reliable and production ready
> implementation of iSCSI server ( host adapter) protocol
> because I was able to find only > client software for Linux.

I don't think there are any yet. Most implementations are still playing
catch-up with the RFC, which is still in the draft phase.

There are a couple free target implementations but to the best of my
knowledge they're for early drafts and aren't going to interoperate
with host drivers for more current drafts.

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