[BENCHMARK] Corrected gcc3.2 v gcc2.95.3 contest results

Con Kolivas (conman@kolivas.net)
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:55:30 +1000

One of those 2.96 compilers snuck in (my poor use of autocomplete). I take back
all the previous data and submit accurate ones, and apologise profusely for
ruining the signal to noise ratio on this list

To rehash what the last results were _supposed_ to be and what these are. I have
identical config 2.5.38 kernels compiled with either gcc2.95.3 or gcc3.2. Then I
run these two kernels through a contest benchmark (http://contest.kolivas.net)
using ONLY gcc2.95.3 to run the benchmark.

Kernel Time CPU
2.5.38 68.25 99%
2.5.38-gcc32 67.28 99%
Process Load:
2.5.38 71.60 95%
2.5.38-gcc32 70.86 94%
IO Half Load:
2.5.38 81.26 90%
2.5.38-gcc32 88.11 82%
IO Full Load:
2.5.38 170.21 42%
2.5.38-gcc32 230.77 30%
Mem Load:
2.5.38 104.22 70%
2.5.38-gcc32 104.97 70%

This time only the IO loads showed a statistically significant difference.

Terribly sorry about that previous mess

Full logs:

2.5.38 (with gcc2.95.3)
noload Time: 68.25 CPU: 99% Major Faults: 204613 Minor Faults: 255906
process_load Time: 71.60 CPU: 95% Major Faults: 204019 Minor Faults: 255238
io_halfmem Time: 81.26 CPU: 90% Major Faults: 204019 Minor Faults: 255325
Was writing number 4 of a 112Mb sized io_load file after 90 seconds
io_fullmem Time: 170.21 CPU: 42% Major Faults: 204019 Minor Faults: 255272
Was writing number 6 of a 224Mb sized io_load file after 194 seconds
mem_load Time: 104.22 CPU: 70% Major Faults: 204120 Minor Faults: 256271

2.5.38 (with gcc 3.2)
noload Time: 67.28 CPU: 99% Major Faults: 205108 Minor Faults: 256153
process_load Time: 70.86 CPU: 94% Major Faults: 204019 Minor Faults: 254983
io_halfmem Time: 88.11 CPU: 82% Major Faults: 204019 Minor Faults: 255110
Was writing number 5 of a 112Mb sized io_load file after 99 seconds
io_fullmem Time: 230.77 CPU: 30% Major Faults: 204019 Minor Faults: 254998
Was writing number 11 of a 224Mb sized io_load file after 303 seconds
mem_load Time: 104.97 CPU: 70% Major Faults: 204208 Minor Faults: 255956

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