Re: Hangs in 2.4.19 and 2.4.20-pre5 (IDE-related?)

Meelis Roos (
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 17:34:49 +0300

MR> I have an old computer (from 1997), K6/200 with 430TX chipset. It has
MR> served me well so far. It ran 2.4.18 OK since February. But 2.4.19 and
MR> 2.4.20-pre5 both hang frequently. 2.2.15 works well but it looks to be
MR> running in PIO mode. 2.4.18 ran in udma33 mode but maybe the computer is
MR> broken now.

Additional information: 2.4.18 works well, 2.5.32 hangs too.

So the hardware is probably OK and 2.4.19/20pre are broken :(

Meelis Roos (
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