Non argument. What about old motherboards? What about modern motherboards that
don't have sound, and yes, they do exist.
> 2.PC speaker hardware is not standardized enough. It is designed to beep reliably,
> but no manufacturer tests it for good frequency diagram and such. Since they may
> be wired differently, you can't be sure which way you can force maximum amplitude
> on a particular mobo (there are 2 or 3 ways to reach max on different mobos.
> Or so I read in a magazine a long ago).
Non argument. What about that hardware that it works fine on?
> 3.It loads CPU enormously. Even more so considering that some recent chipsets _emulate_
> speaker via their integrated sound and SMM mode (ick).
Non argument. What about if you have cycles to burn, but no sound hardware?
> These are typical symptoms:
> > I can get some pretty decent sound out of it, but I also get some
> > horrible noise. Even if I send the driver a stream of zeroes, as soon
> > as it's opened it starts generating some horrible clicks and a
> > high-pitched whine.
> >
> > Do I blame my motherboard (actually, a laptop)? Is there any way to fix
> > this, or at least improve it?
> In short: making it work right on wide variety of hardware is next to impossible
> and even then results are mediocre (low volume, radio quality).
So what? If it works on *your* hardware then you want the option.
> Of course I understand the desire to make simple hardware do nice and unexpected
> things which it even wasn't designed to do. :-) Maybe ALSA team have some member
> crazy enough to join you.
You simply argued that because it might not work well for everybody, then
nobody should have it. I hope you see the fallacy.
I have two machines here that want it, and on which it works fine. One of
them is a modern server.
It's a small patch and decently coded. Sure, it could use a little more work,
but that is exactly what it will get if it's in mainline. I'm in favor of
seeing this in mainline.
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