Having a look at alta-diag i noticed, that the column
" Interrupt status is..." differs between Index#1 / #2 and Index#3 / #4
Index#1 and #2 tells: Interrupt status is 0000: No interrupts pending.
Index#3 and #4 tells: Interrupt status is 0101: Interrupt summary Link status
and after genrating some traffic that line changes at Index#3 & #4 to:
Interrupt status is 0301: Interrupt summary Link status changed Tx DMA done.
The beehavier is identical on both machines.
For better analysing i can send a file including cat /proc/pic, pci-config,
alta-diag -e and alta-diag -m bevor and after sending some pings.
This file is a some more pages long so i don't know if it is ok to send it to
the mailing list.
with regards
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