Re: [PATCH] NUMA-Q disable irqbalance

Jos Hulzink (
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 12:10:34 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> There are tons of reasons to run the same kernel on a multitude of
> machines, even ignoring the issue of things like installers etc.
> We had this CONFIG_xxxx disease when it came to SSE, we had it when it
> came to TSC, etc. And in every case it ended up being bad, simply because
> it's not the right interface for _users_.

True, but the nice thing about the linux kernel is that every little
detail can be modified as you like. I think it is very important to answer
the question what skills a person that wants to compile a kernel needs. If
you want to lower the threshold, this sure is an config option that
shouldn't be there.

Maybe the config system should provide an expert-mode to tweak stuff like
this, and enable / disable the irq balancing by default according to the
processor type selected.


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