Re: RE:Re: The spam problem.

Denis Vlasenko (
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 10:55:09 -0200

On 12 August 2002 18:32, Peter Chubb wrote:
> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Roland <> writes:
> Jim> Now there's a good thought! Post, Confirm, gets posted. If
> Jim> member, no confirmation necessary.
> It'd be impractical because you'd need to merge not only the people
> directly on the list as members, but also the people who get LKML as
> digest via Dell, as news, or via a mail exploder.

It may be very nice to ask confirmation for suspicious posts only.
Filter can discriminate messages into:

1.Obvious spam: drop on the floor
2.Possible spam: ask sender to confirm
(with reason why robot thinks it may be a spam)
3.Not a spam: post without confirmation

This avoids problems with good messages being lost
and does not require human admins to read the messages.

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