On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 11:40:08AM +0300, Meelis Roos wrote:
> > The problem is that checksum in tcpdump is OK.
> > This smells really bad.
> >
> > I feel you have to hunt where exactly the segment is dropped
> > and TCPInErrs is incremented.
> Things got stranger. The symptoms started to appear on other connections
> [....]
> I did a reboot with the same kernel (2.4.19+bk of some
> state, 4. Aug probably) and it just started to work with the same kernel
> image.
I've seen these sort of symptoms before and it turned out
to be faulty memory.=20
Back in 2.2 I had a box which picked the behavior up if
you did a ifconfig down/ifconfig up after it had been running
for some time.
tcpdump on the localbox it that case showed Ok (outgoing) packets, but=20
another box on the same network segment showed the same packets as
Changing the RAM cured it completely.
Master of Peng Shui. (Ancient oriental art of Penguin Arranging)
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