Re: 2.5.31 hda: lost interrupt

Kees Bakker (
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 08:54:29 +0200

>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Cox <> writes:

Alan> On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 16:31, Irwan Hadi wrote:
>> Well on my machine, with Maxtor DiamondMax 40 and Asus A7A255 ->
>> AliMagic chipset, and with kernel 2.5.26 I was having the same problem
>> too.
>> It seems the problem might be because I was using ext3fs, which soon I
>> found out corrupt the filesystem because of this lost interrupt thing.
>> Or this problem might occur because my system is an AMD Athlon.

Alan> It happened because you ran 2.5. IDE on 2.5 is not stable (especially on
Alan> 2.5.26)

It happened because of 2.5.26, not just 2.5 in general.

Last night I changed a few things in the 2.5.31 configuration and now it
boots OK.
1) switched over to ACPI (was using APM before)
2) enabled CONFIG_IDEDMA_PCI_AUTO (which I didn't do before because I
wasn't sure about the "VIA V2" warning in relation to my VIA chipset)
3) removed ATA_F_NOADMA from the chipset flags in ide-pci.c (chip id:

I get the feeling that it is all DMA related, especially with my VIA
chip. I haven't seen any evidence of corruption, if that's what you mean by
'not stable'.

>> My solution was to move back to ext2fs and kernel 2.4.18, although for
>> this I needed to fsck the hard drive a couple times because of the
>> occured corruption to the filesystem.

Alan> ext3 is stable on 2.4 systems.

And on 2.5 systems, right?

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