Re: 2.5.31 hda: lost interrupt

Irwan Hadi (
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 09:31:25 -0600

On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 09:07:07AM +0200, Kees Bakker wrote:

> With 2.5.31 I am getting
> hda: lost interrupt
> 2.5.30 was booting OK (but had some other problems).
> My machine has a MSI K7T266 Pro motherboard with Athlon 1.3GHz. It has a
> VIA chipset, 82C686b+VT8233. Harddisk: IBM Deskstar 60GXP, 40Gb.

Well on my machine, with Maxtor DiamondMax 40 and Asus A7A255 ->
AliMagic chipset, and with kernel 2.5.26 I was having the same problem
It seems the problem might be because I was using ext3fs, which soon I
found out corrupt the filesystem because of this lost interrupt thing.
Or this problem might occur because my system is an AMD Athlon.

My solution was to move back to ext2fs and kernel 2.4.18, although for
this I needed to fsck the hard drive a couple times because of the
occured corruption to the filesystem.
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