Re: large page patch (fwd) (fwd)

Larry McVoy (
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 22:05:45 -0700

> Ask your legal counsel, and I strongly suspect that if he is any good, he
> will tell you the same thing. Namely that it's _his_ problem, and that
> your engineers should not waste their time trying to find existing
> patents.

Partially true for us. We do do patent searches to make sure we aren't
doing anything blatently stupid.

I do agree with you 100% that it is impossible to ship any software that
does not infringe on some patent. It's a big point of contention in
contract negotiations because everyone wants you to warrant that your
software doesn't infringe and indemnify them if it does.

Larry McVoy            	 lm at  
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